Découvrez toutes les actualités du groupe Lifocolor
Découvrez toutes les actualités du groupe Lifocolor
The medium-sized masterbatch manufacturer Lifocolor, headquartered in Lichtenfels/Germany, is consistently driving the growth and development of its group of companies. With the completion of the new building in Lichtenfels, an investment period of ten years will come to a temporary conclusion this year. Prior to this, the capacities of the sites in the Czech Republic, Poland and France were significantly expanded. In 2020, the existing German plant in Straufhain was modernised and expanded so that all plants operate on the highest technical level. In 2021, the Lifocolor Group will expand its production capacity by 5,000 tons per year with around 260 employees.
In the past decade, the masterbatch supplier has invested a mid-double-digit million amount in its business development. While the European plants were newly built and expanded between 2012 and 2018, the new production building in Lichtenfels will be inaugurated in 2021 as the last step for the time being. The move to the new premises is planned for the summer.
"We are thus well within our ambitious schedule," says Dr Martin Fabian, CEO of the Lifocolor Group. The vision and construction of the new production building once again illustrates Lifocolor's environmental policy. "Right from the start of planning the new factory site in 2018, the idea was there to make a statement with this investment. The enthusiasm for our products, the conviction that plastics are significantly better than their reputation and the belief in the sustainability of the German plastics industry should be expressed in this building."
Despite the recent challenges in the economic environment, Lifocolor has continued to push ahead with its investment plans for more sustainable manufacturing and the entry into the circular economy. The 14,000 square metre hall has been built according to the latest ecological standards. The building meets the requirements of a KfW55 building. The 750 kW peak photovoltaic system will cover about 30 per cent of the total electricity demand in production. The 30,000 square meter site is prepared for future expansion.
"True to our corporate mission The Evolution of Masterbatch, the planning and equipment of the hall consistently embody also our future orientation. Our experience from the last three decades has been driven its construction as well as our future production processes. Thus, we will set new standards in the production of masterbatches in the future and continue to increase Lifocolor's very high quality level”, says Dr Martin Fabian.
By creating additional capacities, the company is meeting the demands of its customers. Furthermore, the new factory site enables the Group to significantly expand its activities in certain target markets.
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