Pyramid made of wooden bricks with different icons on a blue-green background
Net Zero Emissions for Lifocolor

Reductions in greenhouse gases

Emission Neutrality Step-by-Step

In 2022, we committed to the Net Zero project, aiming to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. This contributes to the success of the Paris Agreement in limiting the temperature rise by 2050.

What is Net Zero?

Net zero means reducing human-made greenhouse gas emissions as close to zero as possible and removing the remaining greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.
The project's implementation follows the guidelines of the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi). These scientifically based targets provide a clearly defined path. Additionally, SBTi collaborates with key stakeholders, including those involved in United Nations initiatives and the Paris Agreement, establishing itself as a reputable and internationally recognised verifying body. We calculated our carbon dioxide (CO2) footprint using the methodology described in the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol, the leading standard for greenhouse gas accounting. It includes not only CO2 but also various other greenhouse gases.

SBTi Listing

CO2 Neutral in three scopes

Starting from data from the base year 2019, we aim to reduce emissions by 90 per cent by 2050 within different scopes. In Scope 1 and 2, we are reducing emissions that we directly influence, such as emissions from our buildings and processes like energy and heat supply, cooling processes, or our company fleet. We aim to achieve a reduction of around 50% in these two scopes by 2030.
Scope 3 deals with indirect emissions beyond our control. This includes emissions related to the production of our raw materials, transportation of our goods, and the production of capital goods.

Our measures to reduce our CO2 footprint include:
  • Transitioning to 100% renewable energy, including through our photovoltaic systems
  • Measures to reduce emissions in buildings and manufacturing processes
  • Implementation of an  energy management system  according to DIN EN 50 001
  • Energy-efficient construction of our new buildings
  • Expansion and gradual transition of our company fleet to electric vehicles"
Figure 2050 on white background

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